
GrainLearning can be installed with poetry and pip, on Windows, Mac, and Linux OS, with a Python version higher than 3.8. We have tested GrainLearning with Python versions 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.

Package management and dependencies

Install using poetry

First, install poetry following these instructions.

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Activate the virtual environment
cd grainLearning
poetry shell

# Install GrainLearning and its dependencies
poetry install

# Run the self-tests
poetry run pytest -v

# You are done. Try any examples in the ./tutorials directory
poetry run python <>

Install using pip

# clone the repository
git clone
cd grainLearning

# We recommend working in a virtual environment using conda or any other python environment manager.
# for example, with anaconda
conda create --name grainlearning python=3.8
conda activate grainlearning

# Install GrainLearning and its dependencies
pip install .

# You may need to install matplotlib and pytest
conda install matplotlib # for visualization
conda install pytest # optional

# Run the self-tests
pytest -v

# You are done. Try any examples in the ./tutorials directory
python <>

For Windows users

  • Installation using Windows Subsystem for Linx (WSL)

  • Installation using anaconda (if no WSLs are available on your Windows system)

    • Open Anaconda Prompt and install GrainLearning using pip. This should create a virtual environment, named GrainLearning.

    • Choose that environment from your anaconda navigator: click Environments and select grainlearning from the drop-down menu

    • Open any editor, for example, spider, and run the examples in grainLearning/tutorials.

Packaging/One command install

Stable versions of GrainLearning can be installed via pip install grainlearning. However, you would still need to clone the GrainLearning repository to run the tutorials.

# create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

# install GrainLearning
pip install grainlearning

# Clone the repository
git clone

# run a simple linear regression test
python3 grainLearning/tests/integration/

# deactivate virtual environment
rm -r env



You can check the online documentation here.

Build the documentation locally

# You need to be in the same `poetry shell` used for installing grainlearning
$ poetry shell
$ cd docs
$ poetry run make html