
In this section, we demonstrate the functionalities GrainLearning via a simple example of linear regression.

Three ways of using GrainLearning

We show in the following three different ways of using GrainLearning,

  1. with a Python model,

  2. with a “software” model via the command line,

  3. and as a postprocessing tool to generate new parameter samples.

Linear regression with a Python model

To work with GrainLearning in the Python environment, we need to write a callback function of the DynamicSystem where the model \(y = a\times{x}+b\) is called.

# define a callback function to be passed to the system object
def run_sim(system):
    data = []
    # loop over the parameter samples
    for params in system.param_data:
        # run the model y = a*x + b
        y_sim = params[0] * system.ctrl_data + params[1]
        # append the data to the list
        data.append(np.array(y_sim, ndmin=2))
    # pass the data to the system object

Let us use \(a=0.2\) and \(b=5.0\) to generate some synthetic data and add Gaussian noise to it.

# define the true parameters
a = 0.2
b = 5.0
# define the control data in the range [0, 100)
x_obs = np.arange(100)
# generate the synthetic data
y_obs = a * x_obs + b

# add Gaussian noise (optional)
y_obs += np.random.rand(100) * 2.5

A calibration tool can be initialized by defining all the necessary input in a dictionary and passing it to the constructor of BayesianCalibration. Check out the documentation of BayesianCalibration for more details.

import numpy as np
from grainlearning import BayesianCalibration

# create a calibration tool
calibration = BayesianCalibration.from_dict(
        "num_iter": 10,
        "system": {
            "param_min": [0.1, 0.1],
            "param_max": [1, 10],
            "param_names": ['a', 'b'],
            "num_samples": 20,
            "obs_data": y_obs,
            "ctrl_data": x_obs,
            "callback": run_sim,
      "calibration": {
          "inference": {"ess_target": 0.3},
          "sampling": {
              "max_num_components": 1,
        "save_fig": 0,

# run the calibration tool
print(f'The most probable parameter values are {calibration.get_most_prob_params()}')

Note that it is important to keep the effective sample size large enough (e.g., ess_target = 0.3) such that the parameter distribution is not sampled only at the optima. Another key parameter for the sampling algorithm is max_num_components, which controls the upper bound for the number of components in the parameter distribution.

Click here to download the full script.


Play with ess_target and max_num_components to see how they affect the identified most probable parameter values and the number of iterations needed to reach the termination criterion.

Linear regression with a “software” model

Linking GrainLearning with external software is done with the IODynamicSystem Now let us look at the same example, using the IODynamicSystem and a linear function implemented in a separate file linear_model.py. This Python “software” will be run from command line by the callback function of a IODynamicSystem object and take the command-line arguments as model parameters. Download this script and the observation data, open a Python console in the same directory, and copy and paste the following code to run the calibration.

First import the necessary modules.

import os
from math import floor, log
from grainlearning import BayesianCalibration
from grainlearning.dynamic_systems import IODynamicSystem

Then define the callback function to run the external software.

executable = f'python ./linear_model.py'

def run_sim(system, **kwargs):
    Run the external executable and passes the parameter sample to generate the output file.
    # keep the naming convention consistent between iterations
    mag = floor(log(system.num_samples, 10)) + 1
    curr_iter = kwargs['curr_iter']
    # check the software name and version
    print("*** Running external software... ***\n")
    # loop over and pass parameter samples to the executable
    for i, params in enumerate(system.param_data):
        description = 'Iter' + str(curr_iter) + '_Sample' + str(i).zfill(mag)
        print(" ".join([executable, "%.8e %.8e" % tuple(params), system.sim_name, description]))
        os.system(' '.join([executable, "%.8e %.8e" % tuple(params), system.sim_name, description]))

Now let us define the calibration tool. Note that the system type is changed IODynamicSystem.


Additionally, one has to make sure that obs_data_file exist and sim_name, obs_names, sim_data_dir, and ctrl_name are given such that GrainLearning can find the data in the simulation directories. Otherwise, an error will be raised.

calibration = BayesianCalibration.from_dict(
        "num_iter": 10,
        "system": {
            "system_type": IODynamicSystem,
            "param_min": [0.1, 0.1],
            "param_max": [1, 10],
            "param_names": ['a', 'b'],
            "num_samples": 20,
            "obs_data_file": './linear_obs.dat',
            "obs_names": ['f'],
            "ctrl_name": 'u',
            "sim_name": 'linear',
            "sim_data_dir": './sim_data/',
            "sim_data_file_ext": '.txt',
            "callback": run_sim,
        "calibration": {
            "inference": {"ess_target": 0.3},
            "sampling": {
                "max_num_components": 1,
                "random_state": 0,
        "save_fig": 0,

print(f'The most probable parameter values are {calibration.get_most_prob_params()}')

For each iteration of calibration.run(), subdirectories with the name iter<curr_iter> will be created in the simulation data directory. In these subdirectories, you find

  • simulation data file: <sim_name>_Iter<curr_iter>_Sample<sample_ID>_sim.<ext>>

  • parameter data file: <sim_name>_Iter<curr_iter>_Sample<sample_ID>_param.<ext>>,

where <sim_name> is IODynamicSystem.sim_name, <curr_iter> is BayesianCalibration.curr_iter, <sample_ID> is the index of the IODynamicSystem.param_data sequence, and <ext> is IODynamicSystem.sim_data_file_ext.

Click here to download the full script.

GrainLearning as a postprocessing tool

Want to work outside the GrainLearning calibration loop? You can simply use GrainLearning as a postprocessing tool to

  1. quantify the posterior distribution from existing simulation data,

  2. and draw new samples for the next batch of simulations

Continuing from the previous tutorial, there should be subdirectories in ./sim_data where the simulation data are stored.

Postprocess simulation data using IODynamicSystem

The following code snippet shows how to load the simulation data and run Bayesian calibration for one iteration. Open a Python console in the same directory where you executed the previous tutorial and copy and paste the following code.


Provide the correct curr_iter, sim_data_dir, and param_data_file to load the simulation data. The file extension of the simulation data sim_data_file_ext` must be given to find the data files.

import os
from grainlearning import BayesianCalibration
from grainlearning.dynamic_systems import IODynamicSystem

# user input
curr_iter = 0
sim_data_dir = './sim_data/'
param_data_file = sim_data_dir + f'/iter{curr_iter}/linear_Iter' + str(curr_iter) + '_Samples.txt'
sim_data_file_ext = '.txt'

# create a calibration tool
calibration = BayesianCalibration.from_dict(
        "curr_iter": curr_iter,
        "num_iter": 0,
        "system": {
            "system_type": IODynamicSystem,
            "param_min": [0.1, 0.1],
            "param_max": [1, 10],
            "obs_data_file": './linear_obs.dat',
            "obs_names": ['f'],
            "ctrl_name": 'u',
            "sim_name": 'linear',
            "param_data_file": param_data_file,
            "sim_data_dir": sim_data_dir,
            "sim_data_file_ext": sim_data_file_ext,
            "param_names": ['a', 'b'],
        "calibration": {
            "inference": {"ess_target": 0.3},
            "sampling": {
                "max_num_components": 1,
        "save_fig": 0,

# run GrainLearning for one iteration and generate the resampled parameter values

This will create and store new parameter samples in a text file named ‘linear_Iter<curr_iter+1>_Samples.txt’. The user may want to continue running the software model using the parameter values stored in this file.


Change curr_iter to 1, 2, …, 4 and run the above code snippet again to see how different iterations can be loaded.

Postprocess simulation data using DynamicSystem

It is also possible to use DynamicSystem instead. However, it is crucial to make sure that the elements in the simulation data array have one-to-one correspondence with the elements in parameter data array. Otherwise, the probability distribution will be incorrect and therefore the resampled parameter values will be wrong.

Continuing from the previous tutorial, we create a few variables that stores the parameter, observation, and simulation data, and then create a new calibration object using DynamicSystem.

from grainlearning.dynamic_systems import DynamicSystem

param_data = calibration.system.param_data
sim_data = calibration.system.sim_data
ctrl_data = calibration.system.ctrl_data
obs_data = calibration.system.obs_data

# recreate a calibration tool
calibration = BayesianCalibration.from_dict(
        "num_iter": 0,
        "system": {
            "system_type": DynamicSystem,
            "param_min": [0.1, 0.1],
            "param_max": [1, 10],
            "param_names": ['a', 'b'],
            "param_data": param_data,
            "num_samples": param_data.shape[0],
            "ctrl_data": ctrl_data,
            "obs_data": obs_data,
            "obs_names": ['f'],
            "sim_name": 'linear',
            "sim_data": sim_data,
            "callback": None,
        "calibration": {
            "inference": {"ess_target": 0.3},
            "sampling": {
                "max_num_components": 1,
        "save_fig": 0,

# run GrainLearning for one iteration and generate the resampled parameter values

Click here to download the full script for the tutorials in this section.

Stochastic or deterministic sampling

The sampling algorithm in GrainLearning is stochastic. However, the random number generator can be seeded to generate reproducible results. This can be done by setting GaussianMixtureModel.random_state to a constant integer.

# create a calibration tool
"calibration": {
    "inference": {"ess_target": 0.3},
    "sampling": {
        "max_num_components": 1,
        "random_state": 0,


Insert the above code snippet to the declaration of the calibration tool in the previous tutorials; observe how the resampled parameter values become deterministic. To visualized the old and new parameter samples, set BayesianCalibration.save_fig to a non-negative integer.

Visualize the sampling of parameter distribution

Visualizing the sampling of parameter distribution can be done by setting BayesianCalibration.save_fig to a non-negative integer.

  • save_fig=0 will only show the figures interactively but will not save them

  • save_fig>0 will save the figures in the directory ‘./<sim_name>’ but not show them interactively

By default, no plots are shown unless the flag BayesianCalibration.save_fig is set.